Some Bullshit

19 Jul


woman making hand sign

Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni on

In order to be accepted into 1) the certificate program I have already finished the work for and 2) the new Urban Studies Masters/Doctoral program at Georgia State, I have to jump through some hoops related to my DUI…my 1998 DUI.

These are familiar hoops.  At the time, I was an undergraduate and in a teaching program.  I had to jump through some hoops to stay in the program.

Before I was allowed to start my MPP in 2014, I had to jump through hoops.  This delayed my official acceptance long enough that there were no GRA positions left.  Luckily I hustled my way into one.

I finished my degree in 2017.  I am still an active student as I took a class in the spring of 2018.

Yet, here I am again.

I have to acquiesce to 2 more background checks, submit records and a personal statement.

Here is my for real personal statement:

In 1998, I received a DUI.  I haven’t had a drink since.

You people knew about this at the time.  It has been addressed twice.  Come the fuck on, people. This is some bullshit. 


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Posted by on July 19, 2018 in Uncategorized


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